Kinktest Advertise
What's Kinktest?
Kinktest is the leading kink test site for people who are interested in BDSM, Fetish and other kinks.
Why Advertise on Kinktest?
Here are just a few reasons:
- Your ad on Kinktest will reach hundreds of thousands of kinksters every week.
- You can change up your ads throughout the month to keep things fresh.
How does it work?
We offer ads in 5 places. All ads are banners and text.
1, Homepage – cost: $150 per month for the banner, and $100 for the text.
2, Footer – cost: $50 per month for the banner, and $30 for the text.
3, Testing page – cost: $200 per month.
4, Blog page – cost: $150 per month for the banner, and $100 for the text.
5, Test results page – cost: $200 per month.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or would like to advertise on Kinktest please email us at: